
Cocoon World: The Board Game

Original price was: €59,90.Current price is: €17,97.

SKU: 4571398990236 Category:



コクーン・ワールド ザ・ボードゲーム (Cocoon World: The Board Game) is a racing game in which the players construct the board while they play. On a turn, a player rolls one or more dice in the dice tower, move their pawn, then places a tile on the game board that, for example, moves their pawn again forward or backward a specified number of spaces or rewarded them experience points (EPs).In general, the player who has the most EPs wins, but the game includes five scenarios that change the rules and goals somewhat.

Additional information

Mechanics: Modular Board
Categories: Racing
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 4571398990236
This was seen 4150 times


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