
Council of Verona: Zombie Romeo and Zombie Juliet Character cards

Original price was: €12,95.Current price is: €5,18.

SKU: a10783 Category: Tag:



Council of Verona did exceptionally well when it was on Kickstarter. So well, in fact, that Crash Games offered two alternative cards to be used in the game. Specifically, “Zombie Romeo” and “Zombie Juliet” Character cards. If used, they replace the “living” cards of the same type and name. In the words of Patrick Nickell, the owner of Crash Games, “Alternative art of the star-crossed lovers, that proves their love persists even after undeath.” So much for “until death do us part”, eh? Note that these wickedly awesome cards DO NOT come with the game by default. 

Additional information

Mechanics: Auction/Bidding Card Drafting Hand Management
Categories: Bluffing Card Games Deduction Themed Renaissance
Alternative names:
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