Ruined Stronghold Creatures:
Orc Scout (A/I) – Draw 2 of the Hero’s power cards. Put one back on top of the Hero’s power deck and discard the other. While not overtly dangerous, Hero’s will kill this orc scout as fast as they can, as they don’t like anyone snooping around their Power deck.
Orc Shaman (I) – Harm one Creature in play to heal another. Have a favorite creature that is about to die, then have the orc shaman heal it…at a price. This can be particularly useful near the end game when larger level 3 creatures who can soak lots of damage. Just be careful not to setup the hero for an easy kill on the newly wounded creature.
Orc Charger (S) – Exhaust a level 1 or 2 creature to gain 1 Red die. The orc charger is a huge mount ridden by orcs into battle. You exhaust a “rider” to gain an additional Red die which also removes the weaker creature from the rotation. This cycles through to larger creatures more easily.
Ruined Stronghold Treasures:
Runed Armor – Armor Value of 4. You may exhaust Runed Armor during an (I) challenge to block 1 Wound.
Rune Stone (Item) – Place a token on Rune Stone each time the Dungeon Lord plays a Power card. Once during a challenge, you may expend several of these tokens to gain a Red die. This stone charges up in power the more Power cards the Dungeon Lord plays. Make your opponent wary about playing lots of cheap cards.
Additional information
Mechanics: | Dice Rolling Hand Management |
Categories: | Card Games Dice Exploration Fantasy |
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