
Le Case della Follia: Seconda Edizione – Strade di Arkham

Original price was: €69,99.Current price is: €21,00.

SKU: 3558380054696 Category: Tag:


Card sleeves in this game 4 cards of 70.0mm width and 120.0mm of height edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (UPL-7100S) edizioni”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Sapphire: 100 Bustine Protettive (70 x 120 mm) (Pink)
Red Glove”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Wotr-Tarot Card Sleeves (70x120mm) -110 Pack 60 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 1x (110 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (UPL-PINK) edizioni”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-7100P)
Honu Moana”> 1x (50 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-PINK)
Honu Moana”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-7100S)
Honu Moana”> 1x (100 Pcs) 59 cards of 41.0mm width and 63.0mm of height
FFG: 50 Mini American Board Game Sleeves (41×63 mm) (FFS01)
Fantasy Flight Games”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (MDG7075)
Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (MDG7079)
Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (MDG7045)
Mayday Games”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Mayday: 100 Bustine Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (MDG7039)
Mayday Games”> 1x (100 Pcs)
100 Bustine Arcane American Mini (41 x 63 mm)
Arcane Tinmen ApS”> 1x (100 Pcs)
50 Bustine Ultra-Pro: Mini American Size (41×63 mm) (82662)
Ultra-Pro”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Sapphire: 100 Bustine Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (Yellow)
Red Glove”> 1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (UPL-7039) edizioni”> 1x (100 Pcs) edizioni: 50 Bustine Premium Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (UPL-7079) edizioni”> 2x (50 Pcs) edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (UPL-7045) edizioni”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Mini Usa Card Sleeves (41x63mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 1x (110 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Mini Chimera Card Sleeves (43x65mm) 110 Pack 60 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 1x (110 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Mini Chimera Card Sleeves (43x65mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 2x (55 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Mini Usa Card Sleeves (41x63mm) 55 Pack 90 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 2x (55 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (UPL-YELLOW) edizioni”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (HMN-7075)
Honu Moana”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (HMN-YELLOW)
Honu Moana”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini USA (41 x 63 mm) (HMN-7039)
Honu Moana”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (HMN-7079)
Honu Moana”> 2x (50 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Mini Chimera (43 x 65 mm) (HMN-7045)
Honu Moana”> 1x (100 Pcs) Description

Description from the publisher: Evil extends its reach and spills into the Streets of Arkham! This expansion for Mansions of Madness: Second Edition places four new investigators in three thrilling digital scenarios that incorporate new elements of gameplay, including elixirs and improvement tokens. Players get hours of exciting gameplay filled with horror and hardships that incorproate the core game and build upon the Arkham Horror canon. Streets of Arkham is an expansion for Mansions of Madness: Second Edition in which investigators must confront the horrific secrets behind Arkham’s failing facade of normalcy. From the campus of Miskatonic University to the gang-run speakeasies and storefronts, investigators face threats on both the supernatural and worldly fronts. Only with their wits, grit, and the occasional opportunity to unlock hidden potential can they overcome the threats to the city- and their lives. This expansion unlocks three new digital scenarios, new digital mythos events, and a new digital puzzle. It introduces a new type of card, Elixirs, and a new type of token, Improvements. The expansion also includes new tiles,monsters, investigators, and new cards to further expand your investigations.

Additional information

Mechanics: Area Movement Co-operative Play Dice Rolling Hand Management Modular Board Partnerships Pick-up and Deliver Role Playing Variable Player Powers
Categories: Adventure Expansion for base-game Exploration Fantasy Fighting Horror Miniatures Murder/Mystery Themed Puzzle
Alternative names: Las Mansiones de la Locura: Segunda Edición – Calles de Arkham Las Mansiones de la Locura: Segunda Edición – Calles de Arkham: Expansión Le Case della Follia: Seconda Edizione – Strade di Arkham: Espansione Les Demeures de l’Épouvante: Les Rues d’Arkham Les Demeures de l’Épouvante: Seconde Édition – Les Rues d’Arkham: Extension Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Streets of Arkham Expansion Mansions of Madness: Segunda Edição – Ruas de Arkham: Expansão Panství hrůzy: Druhá edice – Ulice Arkhamu Posiadłość Szaleństwa: Druga Edycja – Ulice Arkham Posiadłość Szaleństwa: Druga Edycja – Ulice Arkham: Rozszerzenie Villen des Wahnsinns: Strassen von Arkham Villen des Wahnsinns: Zweite Edition – Straßen von Arkham: Erweiterung Особняки безумия. Вторая редакция: Улицы Аркхэма マンション・オブ・マッドネス第2版拡張 ストリート・オブ・アーカム 瘋狂詭宅第二版:詭鎮街道擴充 광기의 저택: 아컴의 거리
BARCODE: 3558380054696
The item is in 4 carts In 37 wishlists In 24 collections This was seen 14529 times


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