

Original price was: €19,99.Current price is: €8,00.

SKU: 6426008000257 Category: Tag:



There’s only one Skydiving competition where two teams race to form a 5-man formation in the middle of free fall. After the starting jumpers make their leap, you’ll have about 15 minutes to be the first to complete your line and claim victory.On your turn you mark a free skydiver on a tile (placing a parachute on their back) and move a tile with the four skydivers on it. You can choose also moving instead marking, so you may move even two tiles in a turn. Players will alternate turns until one of them will successfully line up five of their own skydivers horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. This 5-man formation is called Quinque!

Additional information

Mechanics: Modular Board Pattern Recognition
Categories: Strategy
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 6426008000257
In 7 wishlists In 2 collections This was seen 2200 times


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