Regarded by many as Reiner Knizia’s masterpiece, Tigris & Euphratesis set in the ancient fertile crescent with players building civilizations through tile placement. Players are given four different leaders: farming, trading, religion, and government. The leaders are used to collect victory points in these same categories. However, your score at the end of the game is the number of points in your weakest category, which encourages players not to get overly specialized. Conflict arises when civilizations connect on the board, i.e., external conflicts, with only one leader of each type surviving such a conflict. Leaders can also be replaced within a civilization through internal conflicts.
Part of what is considered Reiner Knizia’s tile-laying trilogy.
The Hans im Glück Verlags-GmbH version states it is for 2-4 players; the Mayfair Games version states it is for 3-4 players.
Additional information
Mechanics: | Area Control/Area Influence Hand Management Set Collection Tile Placement |
Categories: | Historical Civilization Exploration |
Alternative names: | Eufraat & Tigris Eufraat en Tigris Eufrat & Tigris Eufrat i Tygrys Euphrat & Tigris Euphrat und Tigris Tigre et Euphrate Tigris & Euphrates Tigris and Euphrates Tigris y Éufrates Тигр и Евфрат 两河流域 兩河流域 Eufraat & Tigris Eufraat en Tigris Eufrat & Tigris Eufrat i Tygrys Euphrat & Tigris Tigre et Euphrate Tigri & Eufrate Tigris & Euphrates Tigris & Euphrates with Ziggurat Expansion Tigris y Éufrates Тигр и Евфрат チグリス・ユーフラテス 两河流域 兩河流域 티그리스 & 유프라테스 |
BARCODE: | 9781616619107 |
In 15 wishlists In 13 collections This was seen 14467 times |
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